Student Card
The student card is the student's official means of identification. When you become a KOE member, you get a student card that entitles you to student benefits and discounts. With the student card, you get access to VR and Matkahuolto's student discounts, as well as a number of national and local member benefits. You can get membership benefits with your student card, e.g. barber and hair salon services, restaurants and cafes, clothing stores, sports facilities and grocery shopping. As a member, you will of course also benefit from the events and services offered by KOE. Student Union As a member of KOE, you also have the right to run for the student union representative board and vote in the representative board elections.

You can choose between a physical or a digital student card: ​
The UAS student card is a physical student card that you can use after paying the Student union KOE membership fee. The delivery time of the student card is about 2-3 weeks, and you will receive a notification of arrival in your email. The physical student card also serves as a key card on the Lahti campus. LAB Restart students can choose the Bachelor option when joining as a KOE member.
Open UAS path student in Lahti, order a keycard from student union KOE. Select open studies. In Lappeenranta you can buy keycard in KOE's office. You can join a KOE's member, but you do not get a academic year sticker to your student card. Membership can be verified with the digital Slice.fi student card. Via membership, path students get all the same benefits that it offers but not offers from KELA, VR or Matkahuolto.
Note! If you are studying in Lappeenranta but during your studies you will often visit the Lahti campus as well, mark the location as "Lahti" when ordering the card. In addition, send a message to the address koe@koe.fi so that we can transfer your student card to be picked up in Lappeenranta. There are no postage fees for pickups from offices.
The digital student card goes with your phone and you get the same benefits as a plastic student card. You get it free of charge alongside the physical card. The digital student card works with the Slice.fi application. You can activate the Slice.fi digital application just a couple of days after becoming a member.

Lahti Campus ID Card
In the LAB Lahti Campus you will need a ID Card even if you don't want to become our member and get the student card. ID Card is a physical card like the UAS student card but without the membership or academic year sticker. With button under this paragraph you can order your personal ID card for LAB Lahti campus.
Academic year sticker
The validity of the student card is indicated by the academic year sticker glued to it. The digital student card is updated automatically while the membership is valid. The autumn semester sticker is valid until the end of the following January. The academic year sticker / spring semester sticker is valid until the end of the following September. You can pick up the new academic year sticker at KOE member service points in Lahti or Lappeenranta.
If you cannot pick up the student card or academic year sticker from the KOE office, it is also possible to get those by mail. We charge 5 euros for postage. If you want an academic year sticker or the student card by mail, contact koe(at)koe.fi.
Missing student card
If you lose your student card, contact koe(at)koe.fi. If you study in Lahti, please also remember to tell LAB's lobby services about the lost card, so that they can block the card's access rights.
More information about KOE membership and you can join here!