Would you like to be a maker of the future? Are you interested in lobbying politicians and making a national impact?
Student Union KOE is looking for students who are interested in running for the boards of National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK and Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL).
The next board of SAMOK will be elected at the general assembly on 31.10. - 1.11.2024 in Jyväskylä. The OLL board will be elected at the general assembly on 20.-21.11.2024 in Helsinki. The term for both boards is the calendar year 2025, and the working language for both boards is Finnish.
Learn more about the board application process and board work:
Applicants seeking KOE’s mandate must be members of KOE.
Candidates who receive the mandate will have the full support of the student union throughout the election period. KOE will, for example, orient the selected candidates and provide support for election campaigning if needed.
If you are interested in running, submit your informal application to the KOE's representative council by email (edustajisto2024@koe.fi) by 23.6.2024. The representative council will select the candidate at their meeting during summer, which will be announced on KOE's website and social media. Applicants will have the opportunity to give a brief presentation at the representative council's meeting. Be prepared to answer a few questions from the representative council if necessary.
More information:
Henna Suhonen
Chair of the Board
+358 50 502 0634
