The Student Union KOE’s Representative Council Election in 2022 will elect the
Council for the year 2023. The term for the Council is 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2023. In
total, 20 members and 10 vice members will be chosen in this election.
Representatives will be chosen by D’hondt method.
The election is carried out by the decision of the Central Election Committee in
the following days:
Nomination period: 29.9.–19.10.2022
Voting days: 3.11.– 9.11.2022
Election day: 9.11.2022
Election results publication: 9.11.2022
Introduction of the new Representative Council 24.11.2022
The voting is held electronically. Every member of KOE who has paid their
membership until 19.10.2022 has a right to vote. The voting can be done from
the link sent to the email that is given to KOE’s member register. The voting link
is personal and can be used once.
Every member of KOE who has paid their membership until 19.10.2022 for the
following year can become a candidate in the election. You can become a
candidate from the link in KOE’s website and social media. Please note that
some Finnish is needed when becoming a candidate. Official documents are
written in Finnish but translations are aspired.
Candidates can create an election list. In one list, there can be up to 20
candidates. The list has to have a creator, who can also be from outside of the
list. When creating a list, the name, email and phone number of the list’s creator
has to be given. The election list has to be named and the name will be
published in election announcements. The name can’t insult anyone’s personal
rights, be commercial or otherwise inappropriate. The Central Election
Committee has the right to make the list rename itself. A candidate can only be
in one list. If a candidate hasn’t reported a list, they are seen in their own list
The list of candidates is published in KOE’s website and social media.
Anna Vartiainen
Chairperson of the Central Election Committee
