In the cities of Lappeenranta and Lahti, week 43 was autumn holiday for some, project week for others but in KOE it was general assembly week. Miranda Manner, Niklas Tommola, Jenny Hieto, Iida Heino and Linnea Varamäki were deputies of our Student Union. The general assembly started with the before party.
General assembly decided next year's matters, like finances and who will be on the board of SAMOK 2023. SAMOK board of 2023 is following: Joonas Soukkio from Tamko as a chairperson, Diana Murashkina from Helga as a vice chairperson, Adel Rizvi from METKA, Oona Pappila from SAVOTTA, Halla Kokkonen from O’Diako and Minni Takala from Kaakko as a board members.
We also got positive bringings to LAB - student of LAB and tutor of KOE; Taru Minkkinen, got award “Vuoden opiskelijateko” from exemplary activity and giving effort to the UAS community. Minkkinen has helped all freshmen equally despite the study field and given her own time to the UAS community.
Taru commented the award to the SAMOK: “After the first confusion I’m humbled by this recognition of the effort given. It’s also important to remember, that any of this wouldn’t be possible without support of Student Union KOE and all the other wonderful people. I’m extremely flattered by the recognition and I really hope to be an example for getting the new tutors to be part of the activity of helping the newcomers to start their studies a little bit easier under the major amount of information. Nobody of us is doing the UAS community alone, we are all part of that!”
Congratulations Taru!