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Updated: May 13, 2024

A safe journey to school and work belongs to everyone, including the university community.

"Pedestrian killed in traffic accident in Lahti (31.10.2023)", "Road accident on Mukkulankatu in Lahti resulting in death of two persons (15.8.2023)", "Pedestrian accident in Lahti on Sunday night - pedestrian injured (27.11.2022)". The NiemiCampus area is notorious for its poor traffic flow.

We at KOE, the student union of LAB University of Applied Sciences, are concerned about the safety of our university community's commute to and from school in the NiemiCampus area of Lahti. During the past year, there have been several serious injuries and fatal accidents in the vicinity of both Mukkulankatu and Niemenkatu. There have also been a number of similar accidents in this area in previous years. A safe journey to school and to work belongs to everyone, including members of the LUT & LAB community in Lahti.

The City of Lahti needs to make changes immediately to make the campus area a safe environment to live, walk and study. Ongoing situations that endanger traffic safety must be prevented in urban planning so that the NiemiCampus area is not continually marked by memorial candles.

"Safety in terms of traffic has often been raised among students at our universities. As a lobbyist for the students of LAB University of Applied Sciences, we have taken the message forward. We hope to see swift changes so that our students feel safe every day of their studies. We also see the staff of the college as a very important part of the community and each and every one of them deserves a safe journey to work every day of the year," commented Jenny Hieto, Chair of the Board 2023 of the LAB UAS Student Union KOE.

Every road user has a responsibility to ensure not only their own, but also others' safe journeys. Sometimes there are unfortunate human mistakes and there are also some thoughtless mistakes. Slowing down or underpasses alone will greatly improve pedestrian safety, especially when it gets dark and driving conditions deteriorate. The operation of traffic lights in Lahti should also be examined - in the so-called "green wave" you cannot drive at the speed limit.

Safe journeys home, to work and to school for all. Let's look after each other.

More information: Jenny Hieto, +358 50 5020634

Chair of the Board 2023, Student Union KOE

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Office opening hours:

Our offices are closed on 24.02. - 28.02.2025.

Lahti: Tuesday to Thursday 9-11 am and 12-2 pm.

Lappeenranta: Tuesday- Wednesday

9-11 am and 12-2 pm.

Please contact if you are unable to visit during office hours.

Lahti Campus
Mukkulankatu 19
PL 214 15101 Lahti

+358 45 121 0200

Lappeenranta Campus
Yliopistonkatu 36
53850 Lappeenranta

+358 50 502 0656


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